After today there's 2 more Mondays left in 2024 can you believe it??
I really need to start working on a year in review post.
I have a lot of pre-planning I need to get done with before December ends. I have MANY lofty goals set for myself so schedules will be somewhat tight. In the meantime, lets get this post going.
** The Weather **
Looks like lots of rain in the forecast starting tonight, and then Wednesday. I'm debating about going hiking tomorrow. I have another Chiropractor appointment and GOP Christmas dinner to go to.
** As I look outside my window **
It's early so still dark outside...51° and almost at our high for the day.
** Right now I am **
Working on this post, drinking coffee and listening to news/weather channel, ready to do last radio segment for the year---did I mention the year is Almost over 15 more days left.
** OOTD **
Lounge sweats for now, I'll change into leggings and GOTR sweatshirt in a bit.
** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
I feel good, since going for adjustments I have no 'twinges' in back/hip
** What I'm reading **
Devotional ** Spiritual read
I'll Be There [but i'll be wearing sweatpants] by Amy Weatherly & Jess Jonston ** Self-Improvement read
also added Let Your Mind Run - it's Deena Kastor' Memoir of thinking her way to Victory [she's a runner] ** disclaimer here...I finished reading the book and currently going back through making notes for future reference...More mileage scheduled soon😬
Mister Tender's Girl by Carter Wilson ** Personal read [40'ish pages read so far]
** TV Shows this week **
Still recording movies - of course I still have my guilty channels Bravo & TLC's Sister Wives..don't judge LOL! I succumbed to Mr's request of recording the Elementary & Reba programs. I can get some busy work done while 'kinda' watching.
** Menu Plan **

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
December Challenge Goal--> 25/31 as of today 14/31
** Goal/To Do List **
Get $$ for Christmas,
Holiday meal plan, debating on 'full-on' dinner or something simple like chili.
Work in office - organize,
Start prepping for taxes,
** Around The House **
Basic routine with the Mr's help,
** Project this Week **
Clean out dining room closet,
Clean out hutch,
Re-organize under Kitchen sink,
Work on fitness class schedule,
Send cards,
** Something fun to share **
The year HAS been challenging...but since becoming Nurse Wife the last several years I'm finally able to work more on walk/run training. I've had a couple of ''discussions'' with the Mr, explaining what my goals are for next year and what I need from him to make everything happen. He says he's on board...we'll see.
I've challenged myself to double my miles for 2025.
** Looking forward to this week **
I start hospital volunteer training this morning/afternoon [more on that later],
Mahjongg after training, it'll be good to finally see the Gal Pal's again,
Hike tomorrow, though not a long one,
Hospice Tea & Treasure Wrap Up lunch,
GOP Christmas party,
** From the camera **
Teaching Laura [on left] the KFC pose... I taught Margaret & Lynn already.
What's the KFC you ask?? It's the Breast/Leg/Thigh pose and what I tell my lady runners to do to get them to smile BIG!
** Reflection(s) **
Goals take time and are sometimes hard to reach,
concentrate on each step. Before you know it, you'll see how far you've come...
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