Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 9-2-24


Hello ''BER'' months...recent months have been a challenge to say the least !
I managed to get a few bloggy posts up last week, mostly on the run, but hey ya do what ya gotta do Am I right?? Let's try a link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday for this first Monday of SeptemBER !

** The Weather **
Much better temps coming...Thank Goodness!!

** As I look outside my window **
Sunny and currently 74° [ahhh, perfect for training]

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post waiting on the Mr to get home from his volunteer shift.

** OOTD **
Workout leggings, tank top.

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Feeling good, managed to get 2 miles this morning.
** What I'm reading **
Finally found some motivation and will be finishing the latest JD Robb book, and of course daily devotional, I'll be getting back on track with all my reading by the end of the week.[ pleasure-spiritual-business/self-improvement ]

** TV Shows this week **
Started watching recorded programs from spring... Fall programing will be here before you know it! I'm even behind on my guilty pleasure Bravo stuff.

** Menu Plan **
Unless the Mr has a request it'll be whatever I grab first or is on top from the freezer,
and will choose something from pantry to fix as side dish...

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
September Challenge Goal--> 23/30 days, 

** Goal/To Do List **
Banking tmrw,
Get auction items for Tea & Treasure,
Send cards to Gal Pal's,
2025 Budget plan,
2025 Sinking Funds plan

** Around The House **
Basics daily ie: make bed, sweep, kitchen & bathroom 
** Project this Week **
Already finished outdoor project this morning.
Cleaned and Preened
Scrub hardwood floors and re-wax 

** Today's Motivation **

** Something fun to share **
Still streaking !! 
Day 94 = Go ME

** Looking forward to this week **
My mile a day [minimum]
Mahjongg with the ladies this afternoon, and there's a NEW player!!
Going with Gal Pal to shop opening where she has her fused glass for sale,
Bible Study & WOW Revival series starts this week,
Getting back into the gym starting Wednesday morning,
3 race events I'll be working this coming weekend, 

** From the camera **
I can grow things!!

** Reflection(s) **
Next time you feel anxious about a thought, identify it as a lie straight from the pit. 
Refuse it and speak life into your mind through His name. He is only a whisper away

1 comment:

  1. WTG with your races and regular exercise. 2025 planning? yay you. Have a great week
