Saturday, September 7, 2024

Fostering Life 5K Race Re-Cap

 👀Look at me getting a race re-cap done 👀

Doing my best this week, though getting stuff & things done around the home front and doing a least a mile a day for my streak still has me behind with the blogging thing, it is what it is and I'm okay with that. 

This was their 2nd year putting on this race event, numbers increased by 40 runners from last year so they're doing something right. I can't wait to see it grow and hope to be invited back as their ''Official'' race photographer.
The race was presented by Impact Battery and will benefit Orphan Care Alliance (OCA).
OCA is a ministry that operates throughout Kentucky and southern Indiana, mobilizing Christians to serve vulnerable children and families within the foster and adoptive community. OCA directly impacts youth in foster care through their Life Coaching program. OCA Life Coaches are trained and then matched to mentor a youth in foster care: to be their friend and walk alongside them in life when they might not have anyone else. OCA supports children in foster care by meeting their physical, emotional, and therapeutic needs through the OCA Family Support, Life Coaching, and Family Preservation ministries

A few of my favorites...

Ending my ''work'' day morning with these two PawSiblings was icing on the cake,

Other Photos are HERE

Results are HERE

Until next time!

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