Monday, July 8, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 7-8-24


Time is Flying I the only one that thinks this??

Let's take time [finally] to link up with Sandra for HHM...and since time is flying by let's get to the categories.

** The Weather **
It's late morning/early afternoon and already at 83°

** As I look outside my window **
Bright Sunny Day..Hot actually & Humid!

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post, I'm on a time schedule today and the clock is ticking

** OOTD **
Started out this morning with this for my 2 mile walk....currently in jean shorts, & old tank top.

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
My melancholy feeling has been replaced with 'it'll be what it'll be'' attitude.  
** What I'm reading **
I've dropped the ball reading this-->I'll Be There, but i'll be wearing sweatpants by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston - pleasure reading BUT reading Her Mother's Grave by Lisa Regan
Daily Devotional - spiritual reading [I admit, I need to play catch up with devotions]
Successful Women Speak Differently by Valorie Burton - self improvement reading [currently on hold] 

** TV Shows this week **
You Jest!...maybe 1 or 2 Elementary's before bed.

** Menu Plan **
🍲Chicken sausage - grilled
🍲Grilled Chicken Breast
🍲Crockpot Pork Loin
🍲Sides Night
🍲? Freezer Suprise ?

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
July Challenge Goal--> 25/31 days, as of today 6/31

** Goal/To Do List **
Weed 2 of the flower beds,
Fluff mulch and through Preen,
Go to Bank,
Write notices/letters regarding tree insurance company advised this,
Update $ budget $ for 'Widow Plan'

** Around The House **
Daily Basic routine,
** Project this Week **
Continue in Basement, 2 shelves cleaned off need to work on wall shelves next.
Clean out my dresser...
Work on a few catch-up blog posts,
Go buy bathroom trim,
Work on Christmas list budget,

** Today's Motivation **
I got some sleep after not resting well the last couple of nights, so will tackle a dresser drawer when I get back from Mahjongg.

** Something fun to share **
I have a Friday evening race that includes getting Bundt cake YUMMY! and of all things I'm off Saturday morning for a changeπŸ€”AND with the Hubby at work there's all kinds of things to get intoπŸ˜‰, Sunday however will be early;thirty for Breyerfest race--500 signed up so far😡

** Looking forward to this week **
Hubby has heart Dr appointment and looking forward to answers and/or treatment plan,
Continuing with walking plan--I'm still streaking doing at least a mile-a-day,

** From the camera **
This orange tabby was in a store front window during last weekend's Blackberry Festival 5K [yet another blog post I'm behind on]

** Reflection(s) **
The difference is the DASH...Birth - Death.
What will your [my] Dash amount to?


  1. 2 miles every morning? go girl! I like seeing 'Christmas' appearing in posts :) Have a great week

    1. or close to the 2 miles....keeping up with the Mile-a-Day Streak !
