Saturday, July 6, 2024

Blackberry Festival 5K re-cap + ER visit + Heavenly Birthday Dad


I don't necessarily like the Saturday morning Early:Thirty wake up's, but I do enjoy seeing the sun rise going to races.
2nd annual Blackberry Festival 5K was in Carlisle Ky and hour and forty five minutes away...a Looong drive but again it's one of those things we at #teamRaceRise does. Unfortunately the ''festival'' part wasn't going on😞. We did have a decent turn out. Below is a few of my favorite photos.

My new mom friend took this photo of me,
Sharon said it was important to document who was Always there to get great running photos...Oh yeah that's Me!
Other race photos are HERE
Race Results HERE 

After getting back home and finishing up with loading, posting, and sending picture links I did my mile'ish walk for my streak challenge. Good Lord it was 🔥HOT🔥and Humid! 
I had been thinking about my Dad today as it would have been his 97th B'day so I posted this on my social media
I was the ultimate Daddy's Girl. He taught me so much. I owe everything I am to him.

As I was trying to cool off before getting in the shower I get a text from the Hubby that he was at the ER with Chest Pains. And his Nitro didn't help..At All!
Luckily EKG-Chest X-rays-and blood enzyme came back within 'normal' range, we were there just a few hours and released to come home with strict instructions of NO Exertion or Straining.
Lord this Man! He was wiped out so our 'date night' out ended up not happening, and I'm OK with that. Now to get home and get some rest.

How was your Saturday??

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