No Truer Words for me today....This LAST day of January.
The Best way to start my day...
🛏 Bed Made,
🐈Cat Cuddles,
💊Vitamin Breakfast appetizer
📰Morning Paper
Thanks to the Mr [yesterday] and to the G'Kid today I've been able to replace the collapsed closet, then sort through/declutter/donate a bunch of clothes. Yay to another project crossed off my list.
I'm proud to be chosen as an Ambassador for multiple products/race events. I'll be posting about them as the year goes on...Have I mentioned it's the LAST Day of January??
I posted yesterday about finally getting results back from the bone density test. I'm not saying I was that worried, but when the Doc looks at you and says, 'with your age and everything your running, let's do a test'. Training resumes tomorrow...
The teeth thing will be happening in 2 1/2 weeks....I still hoping to at the very least share a photo or two to keep the Blog 365 thing going and up to date/for accountability, I joined Sandra at the beginning of last year. It's helped so much with my blogging..and frankly I Love a Challenge...
Let's get down to the Nitty Gritty
--> Monthly 'no Un-Necessary Spending Challenge
**Disclaimer** The nuNSC spending is pertaining to food/grocery shopping:
most other spending is also limited but doing necessities regarding projects &/or cat needs**
[↓ nuNSC days/total days of month↓]
Jan 25/31 ** Ended up with 29/31 **🏆 = WIN
--> When calculating checkbook 'deduct'/'roundup' extra 1$ 🏆 = WIN [cushion amt has went to Car SF & CC pymt.]
-->Pay off CC debt...should be done in 3or4'ish months
**Bank Bill Pay set up still looking at 3/4'ish months due to Cat food/misc. needs**
[ it's crazy that when you pay off a card your credit score goes down ]
🠋🠋Cash Envelope/Sinking Funds🠋🠋
[SF budget needed/$$saved-carry over= ?balance?]
⮚💰Hair 500$/250$ = 250$ balance
⮚💰PetCare[ieVet] 350$/350$ = DONE 🏆
⮚💰In:Out Projects 500$/372$ = 128$ balance
⮚💰Trips 4500$/2400$ = 2000$ balance
[various 'day' adventures
with Gal Pal Karrell on hold for now...she's bought a NEW truck and
I'll nurse my teeth for a couple of months.]
⮚💰Car Maintenance 1000$/1000$ = DONE 🏆 [thanks to Checkbook 'round up']
⮚💰Promo Items 1200$/0.0$ = 1200$ balance
[ 2024 Promo items already purchased-will start 2025 saving starting June??]
⮚💰2024 Christmas 2000$/517$ = 1983$ balance
⮚💰Emergency Fund 1000$/00$ = 1000$ balance
TOTAL = 5361$ balance [does not include Promo]
I'll have another 'bill' to contend with for my OOP share from dental procedure which is around 3000$😬--which I'll pay on monthly...
I'll be sharing February goals tomorrow, until then I hope everyone has a great day and your End of Month is Fabulous!