Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 8-26-24 + I'm Over It!


July and August has just about kicked my 'you' know what ! Since July 14th until now I was the Queen of waiting & hospital rooms for the Mr....Between his simple heart Cath turned Open Heart surgery I last posted about Here, we [He] started having issues with shortness of breath and yet another ER visit resulting in finding out he had a bleeding Ulcer that required emergency surgery, and with recent Open Heart stuff talk about an ordeal. And still playing CatNurse to 2 PurrKids, So THAT my friends is why I'm so Over It!! I did what I could to maintain a small level of a schedule with the house and yard, but in the long run it didn't really matter. Though I admit I have somewhat of an OCD, I knew it wasn't going anywhere and I would get to things when I could.. 
 🤞 I will be keeping up with this blog again. For now let's try and link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday 

** The Weather **
Back up in the 90°'s again...ugh!

** As I look outside my window **
Sun Shining and already 82°

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post [finally] after too many days from not having the time or energy to post.

** OOTD **
I had on walk/run gear earlier this morning, showered and put on knit shorts with Cobbler apron for now. I'll be changing my top soon though...

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
I thought I would be more over-whelmed than I am, but getting my walk/run in earlier I was able to get my mind prioritized with stuff.
** What I'm reading **
I truly don't know the reason but even with all the waiting/hospital room down time I wasn't reading like I normally do, and I even have the new JD Robb book. I have been getting my devotional read though so that's a plus.

** TV Shows this week **
Nope, NaDa, Zero, None!

** Menu Plan **
Everything listed on the Menu Plan I have stocked in freezer &/or pantry.
🍲Ham Steak
🍲Veggie Egg Rolls
🍲Chicken/mash potato bowls
🍲Taco Bowls
🍲Alfredo Tortellini
🍲Grilled Chicken
🍲Pkg meal [from Aldi]
🍲Sides night
🍲Cheese Quesadilla 
🍲Chicken Sausage
🍲Lot's of Leftovers from all of the above..

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
August Challenge Goal--> 22/31 days, at my last post on Aug 5th I was at 4/31days, and since then I'm not entirely sure but thinking I'm already at 22/31 no unNecessary spending--I will however double check!

** Goal/To Do List **

** Around The House **
All things considered, the house isn't too awful--Win Win!
** Project this Week **
Hoping the G'Kid can help me with an outdoor project on Wednesday,
Flea bombing the basement Thursday,
Cleaning bedroom carpet on Thursday.

** Today's Motivation **

** Something fun to share **
Started new walk/run training this morning, one decision I made yesterday was for the near future other than making my bed every morning [OCD thing] I'm putting training at the TOP of everything else I need or should do for the day - week - month. I have and will miss a few of my destination race events during the Mr's hospital stays. And though he wanted me to do them, he's more important than a race...I can always do them next year.

** Looking forward to this week **
Mahjongg this afternoon!! Finally getting to be back with the Gal Pal's for fun and catching up.

** From the camera **
My Tabby's nightly routine...Jinx, Goober, Buddy

** Reflection(s) **
I Am... and I DO!

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