Monday, June 24, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 6-24-24


Yep !! POOF....I'm staying afloat, just not getting things blogged [yet]...
Let's link up with Sandra for another HHM shall we...

** The Weather **

** As I look outside my window **
Sunny, and already 72° 

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post, waiting for breakfast to settle before walking.

** OOTD **
Currently still in night clothes but will be changing into walk skirt, tank top.

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Feeling good even with all the stuff I have going on & yet to do...

** What I'm reading **
I'll Be There, but i'll be wearing sweatpants by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston - pleasure reading [good Lord I have another pleasure read going as well 
Daily Devotional - spiritual reading
Successful Women Speak Differently by Valorie Burton - self improvement reading 

** TV Shows this week **
My guilty pleasure channel Bravo - and DVR'd Elementary - and yes we still have several other shows recorded that we should start focusing on...sigh, one day.

** Menu Plan **
🍲Aldi Frozen pkg meal 
🍲Open faced burgers
🍲Grilled Chicken
🍲Baked Tortellini

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
June Challenge Goal--> 25/30 days, as of today 21/30

** Goal/To Do List **
Walk/Run daily for streak challenge,
Radio Segment
Send BJB Thank-You's,
Pack for Race'cation

** Around The House **
Daily Basic's - helps keep things not as chaotic...
Mop hardwood floors, because you know 🐈!
** Project this Week **
Weed 2 flower beds,
Clean out 2 areas in basement,
Clean & change sheets upstairs,
Start Christmas idea list...don't judge🤣

** Today's Motivation **
** Something fun to share **
27 more Mondays until Christmas !
The G'Kid and I are working on our fall trip plans...stopping in Tennessee for a day/night before heading onto Biltmore. We're looking at a couple of 'tourist' attractions in Pigeon Forge and maybe a little shopping.

** Looking forward to this week **
Finishing up #streakingwiththeCOOLKIDS - what a great challenge! Though most days I've only done the required mile, I've at least kept it up. And since I have so many in-person race events coming up I'll be putting a plan together for further walk/run training. 

** From the camera **
Gal Pal Margaret went on a weekend trip, so I helped with my 'buddy' Chester. He was a Good Boy and earned his treats by Sit & Shake command.

** Reflection(s) **
If you want to Succeed in life,
Roll up your sleeves and Do the job in front of you.

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