Tuesday, August 30, 2016

It's only Monday

So first lets talk about night shift--12 hr night shift. 7a-7p the hrs that the MR is working for the next few weeks. For me this means that I need to try and be quiet as much as possible so he can get some sleep, and it also means I'm not able to do my normal daily cleaning chores which means I either do them 'After' he leaves for work 'Which' is when I'm getting my gym time in 'Which' means not a whole lot is going to get done!! This old Lady is tired after 60-90 min of Abs, KettlebellAMPD, Zumba and tonight we started doing Arms class.
Guess What, none of this matters to anyone but Me!
I'll get to everything on his days off and start all over again next week. sigh!
Starting my day off with Coffee & Conversation with the MR is Priority for me, I listen to him gripe, comment, complain about everything that's going on at the workplace (I'm retired from there) send him to bed and most of the time I just FB'ed or do laundry downstairs. Today however instead of FB I went for walk, it was suppose to be just a short walk, yea well 4MILES LATER I get back home. Oh well at least I got my steps in Right !?!
My Mind tends to get busier & busier then stuff like this happens;
More stuff that I talked about in the video
 yet to come!
My weather this week looks like this--hoping for some of the same in Va Beach, Va leaving Friday (maybe Thurs) Bobbie, Mindy & Starr has a Half Marathon and I'm doing the 1Miler on Saturday WooHoo!
A Runners Mom & More

Monday, August 29, 2016

Busy Life Busy Wife!

I upped my steps on FitBit (11,000 daily, umm why?) walking every day will be a must, my plan is to increase by 500 steps every month or so,
went to the gym 3X last week and will do that this week as well,
 Picture Lady TShirts for the Get Moving Challenge starting on 9/10 delivered last week,
race meetings RunBrickHouse & Bourbon Chase done & done,
partnered with a new Race Timing Group (I Am Pumped about this can't wait to share more),
volunteered at 'Lil Cherub Sale' last week and have my volunteer spot finalized for Ky History Half next month,
 met with a local business will be donating a prize when we have November Plank Challenge,
started cooking & meal planning for the hubs while I'm gone this weekend (Va Beach Half with the Runner Daughter(s),
managed 1 blog post last week (something I really need to be more diligent about) hence why This one is getting done,
not counting all the daily chore stuff.......
Whew I Have been Busy!   
A Runners Mom & More       

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Reflection Graditude

Reflecting on my day,
I woke up to the smell of coffee as I do most mornings
that the Hubby has made (he turns it on for me),
a good Morning Kiss and that 1st sip of coffee
while our cat waits patiently on his stool ready to be fed,
our Canine Kid following me around waiting on her daily vitamins,
texting the daughter making sure she knows I Love her more than life,
usual daily chores started,
emailing about races coming up,
taking a 3mile walk break and seeing friends along the way,
having a successful meeting to get prize for up-coming challenge,
race meeting in Stanford,
praying Thank you God for giving me a chance to make up all my past wrong doings,
for helping me to realize it's up to me to follow your directions,
and to appreciate all there is in my life thus far.
                                                                     A runner's Mom & More

Monday, August 1, 2016

Do Over AGAIN with a MishMash Monday.........

What's Up......have you missed me??? Did ya even know I've been gone???????? Well let's see how I can do with a do over, starting with today. Life has been Great...Turbulent at times but still Great. Lets start the ole' blog with my ''Wanna Do List''
  • get the bed changed and sheets washed and hung on the line
  • get the floors swept haven't done this in couple days (the pet hair is CRAZY)
  • work on Menu Plan
  • Start Christmas list
  • work in the flower beds and yard (didn't I just weed?)
  • strip the garden (different plan for next year, sorry MR you're not included)
  • Go to the Gym later
  • update & check FB Groups
  • start working on Blog post list

Todays playlist:
           Dwight Yoakum
           Five Finger Death Punch
           Luke Bryan
Hope your day is fulfilling!
a runners mom & more!!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sorry Honey it's not what you think..........

After 6weeks of night shift the Hubby is finally starting day shift (6wk rotation) Monday..Yay!  A somewhat normal routine will be a change as now I can get MY daily routine in order, when the Hubs does nights I try not to make noise and try to find more things to do outside, on day shift we do try and get out more so when the MR suggested we check out the new joint he seen downtown I was a little confused as to where he was talking about. I've been riding the bike around town and try to walk around and couldn't figure out where he was talking about.

I give you the 'New Joint'
well I can't tell you enough how tempted I was to
Laugh out loud! So instead I had to say well Dear that would be great but it's not what you think, they ''DO'' planks there. Actual on the floor horizontal  Planks along with other exercises.

 view of their Studio. Needless to say we're not going....as this is what gets served at the bar....
I just don't see the MR drinking Anything Green.

How about you, what do you drink that's Green??

a runnersmom & more..

Monday, February 15, 2016

M.oving On M.onday

On vacation, Again!! Yet another week scheduled though there were a hundred things planned, POOF, just like that they're gone....out the door, window, space where ever all I know is they're gone, and of course it's cold outside Sigh. Oh well not the end of the world there's always tomorrow. But I realized after the thought slashing I gave myself there is in fact another tomorrow, another day, where probably most of us decide to have do overs, a new starting point.
So who cares if I didn't do any laundry-we have PLENTY of clean clothes,
who cares if I didn't sweep the floors-the Mr is on nightshift and needs to sleep,
who cares if I didn't go to the grocery store-we have food,
is this what retirement is like?? Is this something I would like?? Hmmm Something to ponder. In the meantime let's get some movement going on, up off the ass, change into some other work out clothes and go work out! 


Monday, February 8, 2016

M.oving O.n M.onday

Doing my best to stay motivated, but when your at the ER with the MIL from EARLY:AM until Late:THIRTY, then need to go get meds too, Why do we get so exhausted doing nothing, well no Zumba or Kettlebell for me tonight,  there's always tomorrow.

Friday, February 5, 2016

First FurBaby Friday

Well there are people who reads this thing!!  I was asked ''Why'' didn't I have anything on here about the FurBabies, ummm well hadn't got to that point yet but to keep the one (are there more of you out there?) reader interested here is my First FurBaby Friday post & photo:

Meet ANDI, the MR had her long before me so she's the ''Baby". You all know how it is with the FurBabies. In the beginning there was a bit of struggle between Andi, the senior female cat, Tori Ann, and me.  As in some days the struggle was real as to who was 'Head B%@#&, Main B%@#&, or The B%@#&,   

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Monday, February 1, 2016

M.oving O.n M.onday

Moving on Monday today with Killer Kettlebell's. In my 'Re-Invention' plan to stay as active as I can I want to share this workout. These are only a 'few' of the exercises we do during class. On Monday & Thursday it's a 30 minute class after Zumba, and that class depends on how much my RA riddled shoulders can take of Kettlebell.
The K'Bell instructor Sue is starting her Springtime Challenge tonight, though I do want to loose some of the extra baggage, at the same time I really like my food nourishments. So I'll join the challenge-do my best-have fun with the girls and see what happens.
At this point I still feel like I'm in ''comeback from Hiatus'' mode 'cause frankly people I Am 60! And it's hard to get back to where I once was.....But believe me I Will!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Meatless Meal Days and the 'MR'

Breakfast this morning= scrambled eggs w/ a dab of Co-Jack cheese, Gala Apple, Almond milk w/Soy Protein powder (much needed after Kettlebell last night)

Lunch= Spag w/mushroom sauce, leftover Tortilla chips

Snacks during work if I want them= last of my English Cuc (burpless, Thank-you Jesus!), Strawberry/Bananna yorgurt, Gala Apple, left over Sesame stick & nut mix.
Tonight's Dinner= 1/2 baked potato w/tomato, pinch of co-jack cheese & sour cream, spoonful or coleslaw & cottage cheese, 1 1/2 C romaine mix w/poppy seed dressing (hope I never get drug tested this is about the only dressing I eat)and a few croutons.

I didn't have any exercise class tonight but did get some dusting done, my SIL is staying upstairs in "Motel Cline" so talked with her about the MIL/in-law stuff then turned on the TV and got this
Yep, Great JUST Great!! 'MR' is at work and it didn't matter what buttons I push, nothing is happening! What's a girl too do?? Text the 'MR' of Course, I'll admit it, I sure did. After Several texts with the last few getting a bit U~G~L~Y he came home on his break and reset me (yea right) the TV.
I mean come on people the WildCats are on tonight,
BTW we won 88 to 54--yes please and Thank You.

Shew,,,,Good Night people!!


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Re-Invention '101' Exercise

As I posted earlier, I'm going to do my best to keep up with the Zumba & Kettlebell classes at the gym and now that I'm D~O~N~E with the MIL/in-law stuff I can get back into a routine. Do I want to do more than these, Nope! I still have meetings going on with the Betweenathon, Race Wilderness Trace Series, FB for RWT, my Picture Lady stuff, and found out from the Kid we're in for Bourbon Chase 2016--WooHooo--so I's got plenty!!
Zumba last night though just about kick this OldLady' Butt!, even got up during the night to take a couple of these...

Work today was murder.., thank goodness for my friend and co-worker Betty, she was such a big help.  Tonight is Kettlebell and the instructor has already posted on FB about doing Burpee's tonight, W~T~F!! (sigh) so much to look forward too.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Lordy Be!! Then it happened Again!!

Yep 11" of snow!

FurBaby Andi Girl not impressed!

But neither is the MR!

Ya know though, it could be a Lot Worse! We could have the freezing rain/cold, for now there's some wind but nothing we can't handle.  Admittedly I did something that I Never thought I would/could EVER do...I called in! 
Yep Me the it don't matter what the Governor says I-got-to-go-to-work was absent...and I Liked It!! I stayed home with the FurBabies and the MR, I played the Domestic Diva, making breakfast getting some laundry done, checked in with my kiddos making sure everyone was safe and sound, helped the MR with shoveling every couple hours (only a little bit) then relaxed with TV watching.

So knowing that my world doesn't come to a stand still if I don't go to work, I wonder what would it be like to finally Retire?? Thinking I may need to make another appointment with my financial group once all this weather business gets under control.

So how has it been with all you? Weather got you stuck at home?? How are you handling it??

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

So this Happened!!

Yep our first for real snow of the season! Now where ' I ' come from this 3inches is no biggie really, and it wasn't heavy or mixed with ice, but in Kentucky,  O~M~G.....you would think it was 3 feet!!

Be Safe!!

Monday, January 18, 2016

M.oving O.n M.onday

I've got this!!

Again part of my Re-Invention will be getting in as many of my Zumba/Kettlebell classes as I can. I made healthy choices with my eating during the weekend and have started my work week on a healthy note too:
Breakfast= 1 1/2 pc of Turkey Bacon
                                Maple/Brn Sugar instant oatmeal

Lunch= 1 1/2 C. of Veggie Soup
                                                                  (I made it Sat in the crockpot Mmmmm Good!)
                              2 small Orange/Cranberry Muffins

Dinner= Cup'oSoup after Zumba
                                                               (the Mr is working and it's C~O~L~D outside)
                           1/2 C. Pineapple/Walnut fluff 

Snack options for the day/night= 8oz of Soy Protein mixed w/Almond Milk
                                  5 Slices of English Cucumber
                                                                (pricey but worth not having the Belcheeees)
                                        Small container of Tortilla Chips
                                                             (may only eat 1/2 bal will be for tomorrow)
                            2/3 C. of Cranberry Jello
                Small Gala Apple

Water all Day/Night--Zumba Tonight!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

2016 Projects and a $$Budget$$

Since just before getting married I (we) try and do a list of projects. More recently projects haven't been as Major.  Mr and I came to an agreement that we would get the home place as ready as we could for when and If we are able to retire. In the past three years we had the whole House "Electrical" updated, re-painting/wall paper all the rooms (ex-wife colors O~U~T!), bought new kitchen appliances, laminate flooring  in the kitchen, new Large capacity washer & dryer, and purchased a Huge generator (we will not be stuck with out power like we had been during the ice/snow of 2009) did we stay on budget with everything? Almost, we only went over a few hundred dollars because I forgot to factor in a new dryer outlet & cord. Oh well not the end of the world.
Now for 2016 finally our list of projects are more of what I ''want'' instead of what we ''need''.

2016 Project list & estimated budget:
  • The downstairs bath will get overhauled & upstairs tub reglazed $750.00
  • Heating & Cooling for the upstairs $450.00
  • Roof Repair (stupid Leak) $1200.00 (only a guesstimate, need to still contact roofers)
  • Re-vamp landscaping $300.00 
  • Fridge for the Garage $200.00-$450.00
So there we are one NEED aka roof, the rest are Wants. Is it bad to already be thinking ahead for 2017 projects?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Re-Invention " 101 " Budgeting

Re-invention a word that seems a bit intimidating to some. For me it's going to be a 2016 New Improved Me process. There are so many things I really NEED to do, Things I'm planning on doing, the list could go on and on.
Going back to some of my old ways will happen this year, being more diligent with money/budget will be top on my list due to a major change going on in the company I work for.

Hopefully by the beginning of summer employees should know something good, bad or otherwise about what the company is going to do. Am I concerned?? Ummmm no, should I be?? Probably but guess what, they can't take my birthday. Rumors flying around about the split is there will be wage freezes &/or standardized wages by position, possibility setting a flat 2 week policy for all employed after 1year (this will take 3weeks of vaca time from me), price increase for insurance (yet again!!). So what to do?? Well I'm going to ride out the storm like I have in the past.

Monday, January 11, 2016

M.oving O.n M.onday

See what I did with the title?  arunnersmom M.oving O.n M.onday!!  And back on track = Zumba tonight and Kettlebell tomorrow night.  As Home Depot commercials say 'Lets do This!'

Friday, January 1, 2016

I'm A Runner's Mom~~Let's get Reacquainted!!

A runner's mom is coming back!!

I used "arunnersmom" before and (I) wasn't all that successful at the blogging thing, so, changed it to my ''part time'' business name.  Soooo That (me) didn't work out either,(sigh)!! I'm such a bad Blogger, in my defense there are only just so many hours in the day and I have all mine used before the day even gets started.

Hopefully things will get more open for me during 2016.

I will still keep as tight a schedule on my Zumba & Kettlebell classes as I can, Not to brag but I have lost a few pounds last year and have toned up substantialy. Three nights a week I'm Shakin' & Swingin, then there's Betweenathon/10K & Wilderness Trace Run/Walk/Bike race committee's I'm helping with, of course there's the runs my daughter competes in on Saturdays, oh, and the Foster Daughter has asked for help with advising/organizing a 5K so more meetings!! As I begin the new year I'm declaring my word for 2016..........